Woman (80s) had drill thrown through window as anti-social behaviour escalates in housing estate

Speaking about the issue, Cllr Des Guckian said the attacks have been going on for years and both the Housing Department and gardaí seem to be ignoring it Residents of Treanmore Estate in Mohill, Co Leitrim have experienced a number of incidents of anti social behaviour in recent months. The escalation prompted Cllr Des Guckian to submit a motion on the matter to Leitrim County Council which called for the Housing Department and gardaí to come together to end the “outrageous attacks and intimidation of vulnerable residents” in the Mohill area.Cllr Guckian says elderly people, mostly aged between 70 and 90, are being terrorised as anti-social behaviour has reached very serious proportions and criminal levels in the estate. He said windows have been smashed in, threats of burning houses and slashing tyres have been made and some vulnerable and defenceless tenants have been forced out of the estate completely.Speaking about the issue, Cllr Guckian said the attacks have been going on for years and both the Housing Department and gardaí seem to be ignoring it.“Recently, an 80-year-old lady had a hole bored into her front window with a drill."He then threw the drill through the window.“She was terrified and was prepared to leave her good, well-kept house. She was physically unable to go and remained awake for days in terror inside,” said Cllr Guckian. Cllr Guckian said other elderly people have been forced out of their homes due to the ongoing issues in the estate. He called on the council to do all it can to prevent this behaviour from continuing. "Other law abiding elderly have been forced out of their homes in that same area,” explained Cllr Guckian. "A younger resident has been intimidated non-stop and wanted a transfer to a safer location. "Housing is responsible for putting the wrong people in as tenants among the vulnerable elderly.“You must come up with real solutions. “Housing has a duty of care to its tenants, especially if they are being terrorised,” said Cllr Guckian. A spokesperson for Leitrim County Council said, “Leitrim County Council do not comment on individual cases, however, Leitrim County Council is aware of a number of recent incidents of anti-social behaviour which have taken place in the Treanmore Estate, Mohill."The Housing Department responded to and provided support to a number of tenants that were impacted by this behaviour."It is the policy of Leitrim County Council that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated, and the Council will use all the powers available to the Local Authority under the Housing Acts to investigate incidents, arrange meetings with tenants and to issue Tenancy Warnings as appropriate to bring about the required behavioural change."The Council is also working closely with An Garda Síochána in seeking to prevent further incidents or an escalation of the current anti-social behaviour from occurring. The matter will be kept under ongoing review.”Gardaí have been contacted for a response and did not reply at the time of publication.