Elderly woman died after being struck by car in Tallaght, inquest hears

Kathleen Furlong (84), a widow and mother of five from Tallaght, Dublin 24, died after she was struck by a car at the junction of Cheeverstown Road and Fortunestown Way Kathleen Furlong (84), a widow and mother of five from Tallaght, Dublin 24, died after she was struck by a car at the junction of Cheeverstown Road and Fortunestown Way in Tallaght shortly before 11am on September 8, 2023.An inquest into Ms Furlong’s death at Dublin District Coroner’s Court on Wednesday heard postmortem results showed she died from multiple traumatic injuries sustained in a road traffic collision.The deceased’s son, Philip Furlong, gave evidence of formally identifying the body of his mother – a great-grandmother who came originally from Glenealy Road in Crumlin – to gardaí at Dublin City Mortuary in Whitehall.Superintendent Jason Miley, applied for an adjournment of the inquest under Section 25 (2) of the Coroners Act on the basis that criminal proceedings have already been instituted in relation to Ms Furlong’s death.Supt Miley told the coroner, Cróna Gallagher, that an accused was already before the courts in relation to the case.Philip Ormond (43) of Deerpark Place, Kiltipper, Tallaght was charged with dangerous driving causing death at a sitting of Tallaght District Court three days after the fatal incident.The coroner granted the application and adjourned the inquest until a date to be determined after the conclusion of related criminal proceedings.At the opening of another inquest in relation to a fatal traffic incident in Dublin last year, Dr Gallagher was informed that DNA samples were needed to confirm the identity of the victim.Mary Hardy (67) of George’s Hill, Halston Street, Dublin 7, died after being struck by a truck on Manor Street in Stoneybatter at around 11.15am on December 11, 2023.Sergeant Cheryl O’Dwyer of the Bridewell garda station gave evidence of obtaining a DNA sample from the deceased’s son, Mark Hardy, who was described as “her closest living relative.”The mother of two has been pre-deceased by her other child – her daughter, Rachel.Sgt O’Dwyer said a subsequent report from Forensic Science Ireland confirmed that the DNA samples matched and confirmed Ms Hardy’s identity.No members of the deceased’s family attended the brief hearing.Inspector Michael Costelloe applied for an adjournment of the inquest under Section 25 (1) of the Coroners Act on the basis that criminal proceedings in relation to Ms Hardy’s death were being considered.Insp Costelloe said a file on the case had already been submitted to the DPP and a direction on the matter was awaited.Dr Gallagher granted an adjournment for a period of six months and listed the case for further mention on March 20, 2025.