Why Are Micro-Nutrients Beneficial to Our Health?

When we think about food, we are frequently focused with its fat content or the number of calories it adds to our bodies. The majority of us are aware that protein is found in pulses, meat, and dairy products, while fat is derived from oils, carbohydrates are derived from cereals.

However, you might not be able to respond promptly and might need to look up the facts if someone asks you about the micronutrients in your diet.

What are micronutrients and why should we be concerned about them?

We consume meals that are both macro- and micro-nutrient-rich. Our bodies need macronutrients in enormous proportions, as their names imply, whereas they only need little amounts of micronutrients.

We frequently disregard the importance of micronutrients because our bodies only need a small amount of them, which can result in a compromised immune system and a number of illnesses.

Micronutrients That Our Bodies Require

One of the many categories of micronutrients we get from the food we eat is the minerals. We all know that minerals come from the food we eat and that our bodies only need a small amount of them.

Among the minerals, we have the micro-minerals and trace minerals that our bodies need for a robust, healthy, and properly functioning body. We are all aware of the need of calcium for bone health; in fact, a variety of supplements are available to help us fullfil our calcium needs as we age and experience a decline in bone health.

Calcium not only helps to maintain healthy bones, but it also helps to improve blood circulation by assisting in the contraction and expansion of blood vessels, resulting in a healthy and regulated flow of blood throughout the body. It also helps medications like Vidalista which are prescribed to help with blood circulation, work more effectively.

Additionally essential for the development of cell membranes and bone health is phosphorus. Blood pressure is notorious for rising when sodium is consumed. Most of us regularly eat a variety of processed foods that are dangerously high in salt.

Additionally, our bodies need microminerals including sulphur, magnesium, and chloride. Garlic, eggs, onions, and Brussels sprouts are examples of foods high in sulphur, while bananas and acorns are high in potassium.

Leafy green vegetables are high in calcium and nitrates, and while our bodies can't use nitrates directly, they can convert them to nitric oxide, which works in the same way as drugs like Fildena 200 do to improve blood circulation throughout the body.

Our bodies need trace minerals, which are found in foods like oysters, green leafy vegetables, seaweed, Brazil nuts, and chickpeas, in even lower quantities than they do micro-minerals.

Despite the fact that trace minerals like iron, manganese, and iodine are only required in tiny amounts, many people experience iron and iodine deficiency, which can impair physiological processes and weaken immune systems.


The 2 categories of vitamins that our bodies need most are water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins.

All the vitamins of the vitamin B complex, including ascorbic acid (vitamin C), thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, and folate, are water-soluble.

Because they are water-soluble, these vitamins can be found in a range of meals, including meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit. However, because they dissolve in the body's water, they are frequently eliminated by urination.

Because our systems are unable to store these vitamins, you should regularly eat foods high in vitamins B and C in your meals.

Vitamins A, D, K, and E are fat-soluble, which means they can be kept in fatty tissues in addition to the liver.

If you want to get the most out of your fat-soluble vitamins for your body, pair them with high-fat foods.

For instance, you can get vitamin D by exposing your skin to sunlight; however, if you want to get vitamin C from the sun, go outside either just before sunrise or just after sunset.

Since it encourages the growth of healthy skin and hair, vitamin A is particularly crucial for people who suffer from night blindness.

Taking vitamin D has been found to increase the effectiveness of medications like Vidalista as well as the symptoms of hypertension in persons with hypertension. Vitamin D has also been reported to lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

The nice thing about micronutrients is that they are present in most of the foods you already eat, including fruits, legumes, fish, and even vegetables, so you won't need to eat any special foods to obtain them.

The easiest way to make sure you get a range of micro-minerals, trace minerals, and fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins is to add colourful food items to your meals. Enjoy your greens, reds, and oranges since the more colours you include in your meals, the more micronutrients you'll obtain!

If you are lacking in micronutrients, your doctor may recommend supplements. People are usually advised to take multivitamin supplements to boost immunity and maintain the health and vigour of their body organs.

Posted in Default Category on January 19 2024 at 12:54 PM

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